Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Final Magazine
Here is my final product for my music magazine. This allows you to flick through and see the finished front cover, contents page, double page spread and feature page.
Monday, 30 March 2015
This is the evaluation that I have created of my final magazine. I mention how and why I designed my magazine the way I have done as well as who my magazine was created for, what technologies and skills I have used and learnt and an overall summary of my music magazine.
I decided to create my evaluation as a magazine of which I created in InDesign. Seeing as I had a lot of experience with the software, it made sense to extend the concept of magazines into my evaluation. I wrote answers to seven questions which meant all I needed to do was place images and create a layout for my evaluation magazine. I wanted the evaluation to be interactive so I have included QR Codes and links to certain web pages and videos. For example, there is a link to my blog where everything I have created during planning, research, preliminary tasks etc have be put onto.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Video for Research and Planning
This is a video I created talking about how I planned and researched all of the posts that I have uploaded to my blog. This helps me to see the progress I have made, and why each piece of research and planning was necessary.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Production Logs
This is a powerpoint of every day/lesson I spent designing my magazine. There is the date of which I did something to my magazine as well as images of what I did and a short explanation. This was a helpful thing to make as it allows me to see visual progress from the very start of creating my magazine to the finished product.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Box Out Texts
I created this post to look at the box out texts that I put in my magazine. This is helpful to me to explain why I have featured certain things as well as what benefit they will have in my magazine.
Monday, 23 March 2015
Time-Lapse Behind the Scenes Photoshoots
These are time-lapse videos of behind the scenes footage of the two photoshoots that I did for my magazine. One is of Izzy who is the main model for my magazine and the other is of Fiona and Amber who feature in my magazine contents page.
Friday, 27 February 2015
Proposal Feedback
This is the feedback I got from Holly for my proposal for my magazine. It was very helpful to me as it meant I could see the strengths within the proposal so I knew what ideas to include and how well thought out/structured my magazine was. Unfortunately, some of the ideas in the proposal I think I will struggle to include in my actual magazine.
Saturday, 21 February 2015
This is a document for Times Inc. UK and why is is a good publisher of music magazines such as NME. This will be benefitial to me when I create my magazine as I can see what kind of magazine would be good for a publishing company.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
This is a list of all of the equipment that I used in order to create my magazine and take the photos to include in the magazine. This helps me to understand the functions of each piece of equipment I used as well as giving proof on what I will be using.
This is a video I created of the functions of the camera that I used to take the photos for my magazine. I talk about the parts of the camera that I used.
I made this video to show the props and costumes I plan on basing my photo-shoot images around. It is very helpful to plan out the type of clothes and props that will be in your magazine as the photos are quite a focal part of a magazine, so planning them will help to ensure they are fitting of your genre.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Contact Sheet
These images are my contacts sheets, so they are a collection of the photos I took during my photo-shoot and will use in my magazine. Inevitably I will not use all of these images, there are a select few that are chosen to feature in my magazine. This is a very good way of presenting all of the images I have taken in a neat, ordered and visible way, it allows me to clearly see what pictures I want and what pictures I do not want. Moreover, it is proof that the photos I have taken are all taken by me and just general proof that I have had a photo-shoot.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Model Release Form
This is the Model Release Form that my model signed to say that she grants me the right to use her photos in my magazine. It is very important that I got her to sign this so I was allowed to use her photos. The video is of her signing it, and the image is the signed sheet.
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Audience Profile
I created this to give a very general and stereotypical view of what my audience for my magazine would be like/look like. I give a general over view of what sort of people would read my magazine and then a fake example of a type of person I would expect. Then there is a small collage of pictures to represent the audience.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Contents Ideas
These are the potential things that I plan to include on my contents page for my magazine. This is helpful as it means I can simply look at this when creating my contents page to see what I could include on it.
Monday, 19 January 2015
When choosing the colour scheme for my magazine I took
inspiration from other punk rock magazines to see the colours that they used. Reds,
yellows, blacks, whites and blues were very popular, so then it was simply a
case of choosing three of these colours to repetitively use throughout my
magazine. I knew that I would include the colour black as it is key to the genre
and style of the magazine, moreover, I feel it is important to have such a
basic bases colour in the scheme.

This explains the colour scheme that I chose for my magazine and why I chose these three main colours. I use my survey to help me decide and general inspiration from the music genre. This allows me to develop an idea of what I will base my magazine around when designing it.
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